The Spire

At 315ft (96m), Norwich Cathedral’s soaring spire is the second tallest in the country after Salisbury Cathedral.
The spire that today rises high above the city’s skyline is actually Norwich Cathedral’s third documented spire – the first was completed in 1297 but blown down in a storm of 1361-2 and the second was burnt in a fire in 1463 caused by lightning. It is thought the current spire was completed in 1485.
The crowning glory of the spire is a golden weathercock which is thought to date back to 1668 and was most recently restored in summer 2020 when historic building conservation specialists WallWalkers scaled the spire to bring the 83cm (2ft 9ins)-high weathercock down to be re-gilded for the first time since 1963.

The spire is also home to the Cathedral’s resident peregrine falcons who have developed quite a following in recent years, with fans of the peregrines eagerly awaiting the hatching of the latest chicks every spring. The birds first appeared in 2009 and new chicks have hatched every spring since 2012.
The Hawk and Owl Trust do a great job of keeping people up to date with the latest peregrine falcon news – the trust has a special viewing spot in The Close in the spring along with a 24-hour webcam that live streams all the latest peregrine antics.